Tuesday, July 25, 2023

How to setup sftp (open ssh) server in Debian 11 Linux system


openssh-server setup in Debian 11

Install open-ssh server:
sudo apt install -y openssh-server

Start sftp server:
systemctl start sshd

Check status of sftp:
systemctl status sshd

Create a base directory:
sudo mkdir /srv/sftp

Create a group:
sudo groupadd sftpusers

Add a linux to sftp group - sftpgroups:
sudo useradd -G sftpusers -d /srv/sftp/limuxhelp1 -s /sbin/nologin linuxhelp1

Add password for user:
sudo passwd linuxhelp1
Enter password two times and press enter

Now enable the password authentication in sshd configuration:
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    After opening the file search for "PasswordAuthentication yes". It should be uncommented.

Now have to add Rule for the users in secure FTP users group:
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Add below lines in the last of the file:

Match Group sftpusers    
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ChrootDirectory /srv/sftp   #<your custom directory>
ForceCommand internal-sftp
Now restart the sshd server:
Systemctl restart sshd

Check status of sftp:
systemctl status sshd

Now test the server:
~# sftp linuxhelp1@  #<Here add your system ip address>

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

 If Virtual box Menu is hidden, how to enable it.

One of the reason could be that virtual box OS is launched in "Scaled" mode.

Go to OS settings-> User Interface -> visual state

change the option to Normal or any other.

Another solution is to press "right Ctrl" + "Home" key together to see the menu.

Install Guest additional:

The Menu will be shown as below: